Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We wish you a delightful Christmas filled with joy🎄✨

Before we fully immerse ourselves in the festivities, we’d like to share some exciting news from Åkerströms Björbo AB. Starting January 1, 2024, we are reinforcing our focus on sales, marketing, after-market services, and tailor-made solutions, all under the Åkerströms umbrella. Production and warehouse staff, R&D and development resources are gathered under Allgon, intended to benefit all our customers.

For you, our valued customers and partners, this translates to business as usual. Åkerströms remains your reliable partner, delivering the same top-notch service with the personnel you’ve come to know well. This positive change ensures enhanced resources and streamlines development and production throughout our organization, paving the way for even more innovation and customer focus. Our excellent site in Björbo will continue to evolve to strengthen Åkerströms’ offerings and accommodate all departments just as usual.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a highly successful 2024 together with us!

Ps. We are open as usual, weekdays between Christmas and New Year, but with reduced staff.

Best regards,
Hans Åkerblom, CEO Åkerströms Björbo AB