User manuals for Sesam
Here you will find the latest manuals and instructions for Sesam 800. These documents explain how to install a Sesam system, set up a basic configuration, learn how to operate and delete transmitters, and much more. Select language, the manual in PDF will open in a new tab.
General user manuals
User manual Sesam 800 – 941211-000 version E3
User manual Sesam 800 L99 – 942858-000 version C2
User manual Sesam 800 MC Manager – 943686-000 version B1
User manual Sesam 800 Configurable – 947422-000 version C3
Tail lift
User manual Sesam 800 Tail lift – 942913-000 version D2
User manual Sesam 800 Winch – 943549-000 version F2
There are also user manuals for REMOTUS, our advanced family of radio controlled products for safety critical systems.