User manuals
Here you will find the latest manuals and instructions for Remotus and Sesam. These documents explain how to install a remote control system, set up a basic configuration, learn how to operate and delete transmitters, handle CIM cards, carry out maintenance, replace batteries and much more.

Here you will find the latest manuals and instructions for Remotus. These documents explain how to install a Remotus system, set up a basic configuration, learn how to operate and delete transmitters, handle CIM cards and much more.
User manuals for Remotus
Remotus – Video instructions
Here you will find the latest video instructions for Remotus. These films explain how to install a Remotus system, set up a basic configuration, learn how to operate and delete transmitters, handle CIM cards and much more.
Video instructions for Remotus
Here you will find the latest manuals and instructions for Sesam 800. These documents explain how to install a Sesam system, set up a basic configuration, learn how to operate and delete transmitters, and much more.
User manuals for Sesam
Sesam – Video instructions
Here you will find the latest video instructions and instructions for Sesam 800. These films explain how to install a Sesam system, set up a basic configuration, learn how to operate and delete transmitters, and much more.
Video instructions for Sesam